Inner Sufficiency

Driven by vague discomfort, I pick up the phone again. The solution to my problem starts by a thoughtful pause, but stopping doesn’t even cross my mind. I put on my earbuds and hit play on two-hour podcast to bring my mind off the aching void inside.

The above is a reoccurring pattern I should recongize by now, and yet it slips by my mind unnoticed. It’s a state I’ve learned to endure rather than deal with. I know what would fix it, but I don’t have a reliable roadmap for it. More often than not I just flail around aimlessly until something clicks and it’s gone. I call the solution “inner sufficiency.”

I’m sure there’s million names for the state I’m talking about, but I like inner sufficiency the best. It sounds the most what it feels like. It’s the most desirable state, or at least, it is if you ask me. It feels like all the fetters are dropped, and you are complete as you are, and your everyday fears lose their footing. I can’t pinpoint what exactly brings it forth, so this ramble will be incomplete. I’ll try my best to write down something even if it doesn’t quite reach the true core.