Detachment, Devaluation and Apathy

Detachment is a tricky thing. Sometimes it swoops my soul and brings it to state of deep peace and sometimes I struggle in a trap of countless tangles, unable to let truly go despite knowing it would be so good for me to do so.

I care a little more than what's good for me. I know this, but the concept of detachment eludes me. My most natural states are either living in a constant low-grade stress due to omnipresent sense of responsibility or dwelling in apathy, being too tired to have a fraction of a fucklet to spare. Then there's devaluation in which I withdraw value from a thing or activity and relocate it to something else. This is a tricky manouver as well, but easier for me to intuitively comprehend than global detachment.

Detachment, or non-attachment
This is a state of pure bliss. To this day I cannot tell if detachment comes secondary to the bliss, or if detachment itself gives rise to bliss or if they are inseparably intertwined: Achieve one and the other will follow.
Sometimes it comes from realization that I am okay as I am, and all ideas of addition and substraction are ultimately fantasy. Right now, things cannot be any other way and... I can live with that.

Devaluation, or value-allocation
This is where the amount of caring stays the same, but is instead withdrawn from thing A and deposited to thing B. The challenge of this is having to give up something the value of which you still believe, or want to believe, in. I'm bad at letting go. I believe good thing come if you just hold on and power through the hard times.
Devaluation without value-allocation is a fast track to depression. You don't want to cultivate a mindset where everything around and inside you is stupid and meaningless. It's easier to kick a bad habit when you make it less about giving up something and more about trading something for something else. The former leaves you with a demanding void and the latter is a transition.

Apathy, or death by thousand cares
Hello apathy, my old friend. For the longest time I thought apathy and detachment were the same, but I can assure you they are not. Apathy feels like the world is burdensome while detachment lightens your entire being. Apathy abhors participation while detachment allows it. Apathy is inner deadness while detachment invigorating liberation. Apathy is a result of defeats from holding on while detachment comes from letting go.